Sonja Drobac

Sonja Drobac was born and studied in Serbia, and there she began to build a career in electronic and print media, from TV Politika and Blic to TV BK.
She entered Montenegrin journalism by writing for Monitor. Afterwards, she participated in the creation of TV IN, and she also worked as a correspondent for RTCG from Belgrade. Then, she was the executive director of RTV Atlas, the head of TV Prva Crna Gora before she founded TV E.
There is no publicly available information that before establishing TV E, Drobac was involved in any private business, which could allow her to generate funds for establishing a TV station of that scale. Some media problematised the source of initial funds needed to establish the television.
Further Information
Meta Data
The data on the media organization was collected from the Registry of non-govermental organizations of Montenegro, Agency for electronic Media,Tax administration portal Taxis, website of the media and desk research.