Saša Blagojević

Saša Blagojević owns 100% of Global Media Tehnology d.o.o. Beograd (Republic of Serbia) - Stari grad. His company "Alo media system d.o.o. Beograd" owns the Pogled portal in Montenegro. Blagojević also owns Studio B in Serbia and the tabloid newspaper Alo. He has also become the majority owner of Maxim media plus (buying 51% of the shares from the Krdžić family). Through many subsidiaries, this company owns Radio Jat, Baltazar, Rimi media group, Radio Karolina, TDI radio-televizija, Radio Seven, Radio 5, Matrix D, Lite FM and Radio Hit FM). This indicates that Blagojević and Krdžić own a large percentage of the media space in Serbia.
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Blagojević and Krdžić are co-owners of the company Maksim Media Plus, in which Blagojević's company, Global Media Technology, owns 51% of the company, and Krdžić 25%. Through this company, they own radio stations Lola, HIT, TDI, Jat and Karolina. They are also the owners of several marketing companies through this company.
Further Information
Meta Data
According to the document issued by Agency for Electronic Media from 2020 Miloš Krdžić has at the time sold 51% of shares of TDI Radio D.O.O to „United Media" S.a.r.l. s. There is no additional information what happened afterwards and how instead of „United Media" S.a.r.l. s the owner of 51% is Global Media Tehnology D.O.O. Beograd.