Miodrag Bogojević

Miodrag Bogojević is the CEO of Media International Corporation d.o.o. and also its owner with 50% of the shares. Miodrag Bogojević is also the editor-in-chief of DRS Radio. No additional information on his biography is publicly available. According to his personal Linkedin profile, he has been the owner and producer of Media International Corporation - DRS Radio since October 2004. Prior to that, he was a producer at Radio D / D+ from 2000 to 2004. Prior to that he worked as a Lighting Assistant / Marketing Director at SLC Philips Lighting from 1999 to 2002.
Further Information
Meta Data
The data on the media company was collected from the entral registry for business entities of Montenegro, Agency for electronic Media,Tax administration portal Taxis, website of the media and desk research.