
Neboelectronic d.o.o. is the publisher of the Radio “S”, one of the most popular Montenegrin radio stations, which is part of the larger S Radio Group. The company initially started as a publisher of radio “Delfin” in 2002, which was primarily targeting citizens of Herceg Novi and Boka Bay. The ownership structure changed in 2016 when Radio also changed its name to Radio S and was acquired by the Serbian S Media owned at the time by Zoran Anđelković. The ownership structure changed again in 2023 when Bogdan Todorović became the majority shareholder with 51% stake in the company.
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Business Sectors
Radio broadcasting
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
According to available data, S Media Team d.o.o. Beograd was the sole owner until May 2023, when a new company S Controls d.o.o. Šabac acquired 51% of the shares.
The same companies are enlisted as owners of Društvo za radio difuznu djelatnost “Hit FM”d.o.o. registered at the same address, and with the same contacts as Neboelectronics d.o.o.
The company is the publisher of S3 Radio.
Save Kovačevića 14, Herceg Novi
Phone number: +38231322931
Tax/ ID Number
(PIB): 02051095
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
0,242 million EUR / 0,254 million USD
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
0,051 EUR million EUR / 0,053 million USD
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing data
Other Influential People
Is the CEO of Radio S. His biography is unavailable online except for the data that in 2016 he was the editor of another radio station - Radio D. Danilo Đelević is also the CEO of Hit FM D.O.O, a company owned by the same owners as Radio S and publisher of another – Radio S3, whose CEO is also Đelević.
Further Information
Meta Data
There is no publicly available data on the biography of the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the Radio S, besides the fact that he was previously the editor of another radio station - Radio D.
There is no publicly available data on backgrounds of two out of three owners, while for Predrag Anđelković some, mostly personal data exist.
The data on the media company was collected from the Central Registry of business entities of Montenegro, Agency for business registries of Serbia, Tax administration portal Taxis, website of the media and desk research.
MOM team in Montenegro contacted the media outlet on August 18, 2023, as is the practice for Media Ownership Monitor, to invite the media owners to proactively disclose information relevant to the study.
The annual average exchange rate of the Central Bank for 2022 was used to convert EUR into USD (1,05).