Radio Homer

Radio Homer is advertised as the first and only media dedicated to persons with disabilities and is the product of cooperation of the Public institution “Library for blind persons” and Cultural Center Homer from Podgorica. Cultural Center is the founder of the Radio but the connection with the library is linked through joint employees of both legal entities.
Radio Homer has 3 employees.
Audience Share
Missing Data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free content
Media Companies / Groups
Kulturni centar Homer
Ownership Structure
Kulturni Centar “Homer” is the founder of Radio Homer. Kulturni Centar “Homer” is an NGO. Its registered founders are Božidar Denda, Seada Nikočević, Dejan Jovanović, Saša Vuković and Esad Grbović are enlisted as founders. There is no publicly available data on Dejan Jovanović and Saša Vuković.
Voting Rights
Missing Data
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Founded the Radio Homer in 2011. Božidar Denda, Seada Nikočević, Dejan Jovanović, Saša Vuković and Esad Grbović are listed as founders of Kulturni Centar “Homer”.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
The CEO of Radio Homer, also the manager of the general department of the Public institution “Library for blind persons”.
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
The founder of Kulturni Centar “Homer” and the director of the Public institution “Library for blind persons of Montenegro”.
Address: Radosava Burića 9, Podgorica
Phone number: +38220221882; +38267003067
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing data
Market Share
Missing data
Further Information
Meta Data
The data on the media outlet was collected from the Central Registry of business entities of Montenegro, Agency for electronic media, Tax administration portal Taxis, website of the media and desk research. Audience shares are missing, since there is no credible centralized audience measuring mechanism in the country.
MOM team in Montenegro contacted the media outlet on August 18, 2023, as is the practice for Media Ownership Monitor, to invite the media owners to proactively disclose information relevant to the study.
The annual average exchange rate of the Central Bank for 2022 was used to convert EUR into USD (1,05).