CDM is one of the oldest portals in Montenegro, which initially started as Cafe del Montenegro Forum and was designed to allow users to discuss various topics. While CDM still maintains the forum as a special section of the portal, it transformed fully into a news outlet and became the second most-read online media in Montenegro. According to SimilarWeb in the period from February to April 2023 the website had 14,67 million visits.

The media is published by the CDM doo and is majority owned by the Greek businessman Petros Stathis, through several of his affiliated companies.

Key facts

Audience Share

Missing Data

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type


Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

4 ♥

Media Companies / Groups



Ownership Structure

The company behind Portal CDM is CDM d.o.o. which is 100% owned by Media Nea d.o.o.

Voting Rights

Missing Data

Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year


Affiliated Interests Founder

Media Nea d.o.o.

A media representation company whose owner is "First financial holdings" and Boris Darmanović. Media Nea d.o.o. is only formally the founder of CDM, since it is entirely owned by another company.

Affiliated Interests Ceo

Boris Darmanović

Co-founder of Media Nea holding and the CEO of the CdM Portal
Boris Darmanović also owns 65% of the d.o.o. web portal.

Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief

Boris Darmanović

Co-founder of Media Nea holding and the CEO of the CdM Portal
Boris Darmanović also owns 65% of the d.o.o. web portal.


Ulcinjska 7b, Podgorica

81000 Podgorica


Phone number: +38267509835


Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

0,322 million EUR / $ 0,338 million

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

-0,057 million EUR / $- 0,059 million

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing data

Market Share

Missing data

Further Information

Meta Data

The data on the media outlet was collected from the Central Registry of business entities of Montenegro, Tax administration portal Taxis, website of the media and desk research. Audience shares are missing, since there is no credible centralized audience measuring mechanism in the country.
MOM team in Montenegro contacted the media outlet on August 18, 2023, as is the practice for Media Ownership Monitor, to invite the media owners to proactively disclose information relevant to the study.
The annual average exchange rate of the Central Bank for 2022 was used to convert EUR into USD (1,05).